[sysrepo-devel] is an apostrophe not an allowed character in a key?

Joan Landry JoLandry at advaoptical.com
Fri Dec 16 21:38:03 UTC 2016

I am sorry I am not sure I fully understand your suggestion on how to correct this issue.

In the sr_set_item_example.c  example code 

    rc = sr_set_item(sess, "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='gigaeth0']/type", &value, SR_EDIT_DEFAULT);

what should be entered if the name of the interface is gig'123

I have tried the following combinations and none of them work.

    rc = sr_set_item(sess, "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='gig'123']/type", &value, SR_EDIT_DEFAULT);
    rc = sr_set_item(sess, "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='gig\'123']/type", &value, SR_EDIT_DEFAULT);
    rc = sr_set_item(sess, "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='gig\"'\"123']/type", &value, SR_EDIT_DEFAULT);

any info on this would be greatly appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michal Vaško [mailto:mvasko at cesnet.cz] 
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 3:14 AM
To: Joan Landry <JoLandry at advaoptical.com>
Cc: sysrepo-devel at sysrepo.org
Subject: Re: [sysrepo-devel] is an apostrophe not an allowed character in a key?

XPath defines [1] that a literal (which is a string value, such as your key value) enclosed in single-quotes cannot contain a single-quote and in double-quotes cannot contain a double-quote. Hence use double-quotes.


[1] https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#NT-Literal

On Wednesday, December 14, 2016 20:20 CET, Joan Landry <JoLandry at advaoptical.com> wrote: 
> I am seeing that if the key name of something includes and apostrophe libyang sees it as an error.
> Is the apostrophe not allowed as a character of a key leaf?
> To set the name my code does the following:
>       snprintf(xpath_buf, 256, 
> "/ensemble-config:ensemble-config/abc-ensemble-domains:domains/domain[
> name='%s']/owner-tag", name);
> where if name has normal characters there is no issue - but if name contains an apostrophe I get an error:
> example: abcd'efg
> INF] (rp_dt_set_item_wrapper:559) Set item request running datastore, 
> xpath: 
> /ensemble-config:ensemble-config/ensemble-domains:domains/domain[name=
> 'abcd'efg']/persistence [DBG] (dm_ly_log_cb:853) libyang error: 
> Unexpected character(s) 'e' (efg']/persisten).
> [DBG] (dm_ly_log_cb:853) libyang error: Resolving XPath expression "/ensemble-config:ensemble-config/ensemble-domains:domains/domain[name='abcd'efg']/persistence" failed.
> [ERR] (rp_dt_set_item:323) Requested node is not valid 
> /adva-ensemble-config:ensemble-config/adva-ensemble-domains:domains/do
> main[name='abcd'efg']/persistence [ERR] (rp_dt_set_item_wrapper:574) 
> Set item failed [ERR] (rp_set_item_req_process:939) Set item failed 
> for '/ensemble-config:ensemble-config/ensemble-domains:domains/domain[name='abcd'efg']/persistence', session id=602346779.
> In case above name is defined as a string.
>     list domain {
>       key "name";
>       leaf name {
>         type string;
>       }

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